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Chivalry is Not Dead!

We have just one more week of school left until summer break.  We have had such an amazing year with our new school.  When I tell people about it the first question is always, “that’s a public school?” Yep!  We love the teachers and the principal, but I have also been impressed by the other kids.  The girls and I have all noticed how much nicer they are at this school compared to the last school.  I don’t know why this is, but we are so thankful for the good friends we are finding.

Yesterday, Morgan came home with a story about a soccer game at recess.  A bunch of boys were playing and she wanted to play too.  She jumped into the game and one of the boys from her class yelled, “go easy on Morgan!” Apparently he told her that he plays soccer and got hit in the face recently.  He seemed honestly concerned for her well being.  At, six years old, I find that impressive.  He also went out of his way to stop fast moving balls for her in the middle of the game, so she would be able to take a shot.  Morgan is tough and a natural athlete.  She didn’t need him to do this, but I find it adorable that he took it upon himself to protect her and make sure she had turns with the ball.

Morgan’s story reminded me of an incident with Emma earlier in the year.  I was waiting for her after school and as usual she was the last child out the gate.  Normally she is last because she is busy chatting with friends or looking for a lost lunchbox.  This day was different because she came out with a boy from her class.  He was carrying a box that belonged to her.  He saw her in the classroom with a lot to carry out to the car and stopped to help her with her things.

So often we hear stories about kids being rude and disrespectful.  It’s exciting to see so many thoughtful kids at the school.  Especially boys treating girls with respect!  It gives me hope for the future of our daughters. I would love to hear more stories like this. Comment with a story about kids being kind to others.  I know they’re out there.